Monday, June 10, 2013

Final Tutorial Assignment

Creating a Translucent effect in text using Adobe After Effects


This is my DDsgn 220 final assignment on watching a tutorial of our choice and creating something.
In this assigment I chose the tutorial from Video Copilot on creating translucent text in adobe after effects. In this assignment I worked on two softwares:
1: Adobe After Effects- In which I created the text and gave all the effects.
2: Adobe Premiere Pro: In which I gave the music to the video and exported it into proper format.
This was the most interesting assignment of the quarter as I was given the freedom to choose my own assignment and this assignment not just taught me something new in the software(which was the literal goal of the assignemnt) but it also gave me the encouragement to learn more of design from the tutorials available on web.
I hope you like my video. Have fun.

Final Assignment of Art Deco

Art Deco

This is my final assignment of Digital Design 220 on Art Deco poster.
This assignment gave me knowledge on the aspects of art deco. As I was still confused, I made two posters, hoping atleast one to be close to an art deco poster.  While I was doing this poster I also learned the various genres of Ads in different times and their birthplaces.
I made this assignment solely in Adobe Illustrator. 
It was a fun assignment. I hope you like it too...

Monday, June 3, 2013

Card Dance

After Effects Card Dance

This is my DDsgn 220 assignment on card dance. 
In this assignment I used three softwares: 
1: Adobe Photoshop: To create my collage 
2: Adobe After Effects: To give the card dance effect 
3: Adobe Premier: To give music and put into proper format. 
In this assignment I learned the effects in Adobe After Effects. 
It was a new and fun experience.

Creating a web page using Photoshop and Dreamweaver

This is my Digital Design 220 assignment on creating a layout of a website in Adobe Photoshop and then turning it into a webpage in Adobe Dreamweaver.
The assignment was to create a webpage layout as one full picture and then slicing it into various images which would become laout objects in dreamweaver.

Creating a website using Content Management System

This is my digital design 220 assignment on creating a website in wordpress. In this assignment we were supposed to create an account in wordpress and make our website with linked pages.
It was a very easy assignment. I worked with photoshop and illustrator for my pictures and the website was all in wordpress.
Here is the link:

Monday, May 20, 2013


This my DDsgn 220 assignment on creating an HTML game.
I used two softwares in this project 
1: Adobe Illustrator : To create my characters.
2: Construct 2: To make the game.
This project was pretty challenging for me. As it was not one of my interest, I couldn't even give close to my best. I messed up a lot on my this assignment.

Thematic text

Thematic text

This is my digital design 220 assignment on creating Thematic text. 
In this assignemnts i worked on 3 softwares:
1: Adobe Photoshop: For creating text.
2: Adobe Edge Animate: For creating the animation.
It was a new experience to me and I found it pretty easy.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Creating an email newsletter

Creating an email newsletter

This is my ddsgn 220 assignment on Creating an email newsletter. 
In this assignment I had to use 2 softwares:
1: Adobe Illustrator: tocreate my logo.
2: Adobe Dreamweaver: To create the newsletter.
I learned to used codes during this assignment. It was pretty challenging but fun.

Creating a Web page using a Template.

This is my 11th assignment of DDsgn 220 on creating web pages using premade templates. 
In this assignment I used three softwares: 
 1: Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop : to make or give effects all my images 
2: Adobe Dreamweaver to create the whole webpage using a template. 
In this assignment I discovered that I could download templates and use its javascript in my own webpage. It was something new and was pretty easy.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Online J Query Photo gallery

Online J Query Photo gallery

 Below is the link to my digital design 220 assignment on online Jquery gallery. 
I used Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to make my art, Downloaded the premade gallery code from Galleria and uploaded the video using Adobe Dreamweaver.
 It was something I had never tried it before so it was interesting and was pretty easy. 
Here is the link to my gallery. Enjoy!!!

3D pop up

3D pop up gallery

This is my digital design 220 assignment on 3D pop up. 
In this assignment i uses Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to make my pictures and I used Adobe After effects to give the lights and animation to the pictures.
I learned the other side of After Effects in this assignment. It was interesting and challenging both at the same time for me.

Shape animation

This is my digital design 220's assignment 9 on shape animation. In this assignment I learned to use Adobe After effects. I made the shapes and gave the animation to the shapes in after effects. It was very challenging as well as new for me.

Vinyl based design

This is my third assignment of Integrated Digital Design.
 In this assignment I made my design in Adobe Illustrator and then I cut my design in Roland cut studio. In this assignment I learned how to make vinyl cut outs. 
It was a very new experience and I enjoyed it.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Upper case...

Upper case Fonts Creation

This is my seventh assignment of the class digital design 220 on font creation. 
This font is called cracky font.
In this assignment I worked in two softwares: 
1: illustrator: In which i created the font design.
2: font creator4: In this i converted my design in glyphs so that i can use it as actual font. 
It was something new, challenging and time consuming for me but i had lot of fun doing it. 
I hope you like it.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Playing with Pen

This is my digital design 220 assignment on playing with electronic pen and creating art. 
In this assignment I created my art in Adobe Illustrator with the use of electronic pen.
This is my first exposure to the use of electronic pen so it was very challenging for me but it was fun.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Check out my fonts

 Ally's fonts

This is my digital design 220 assignment on creating fonts. 
In this assignment I used two programs:-
 Illustrator: To create fonts 
Font Creator: To make glyphs. 
This assignment was a very new learning experience for me!!!!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Card Game

This is my digital design 220 assignment on making cards.
In this assignment I used Adobe Illustrator to make my graphics.


This is the card back design.

The one on the left is the shield card.

The one on the right is the wall section card.

                            This is the damage card.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Showers of Autumn

This is my first assignment of digital design 121.
 In this assignment I have used  Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Flash and Adobe Premiere.
I made the brushes in Photoshop, animated them in Adobe Flash and gave the music in Adobe Premiere.

About Me

Hello Everyone
My name is Alifiya Gittham. I am an international student from Mumbai, India. I am a participant of the NWCCI program and am currenty doing a certificate in Digital design. I am a BMM student in India.

Nature Gives Me Peace.

Whenever I suffer from the mood swings, anxiety or angry stress, the key for me to get over it is go outside and take a walk in the park or beach. It makes me calmer. It makes me feel complete and helps me overcome my self-doubt. It makes me confident. I like to feel the fresh air at the beach, hear the sound of running water or the chirping of birds. These simple things make me happy.