Monday, June 10, 2013

Final Tutorial Assignment

Creating a Translucent effect in text using Adobe After Effects


This is my DDsgn 220 final assignment on watching a tutorial of our choice and creating something.
In this assigment I chose the tutorial from Video Copilot on creating translucent text in adobe after effects. In this assignment I worked on two softwares:
1: Adobe After Effects- In which I created the text and gave all the effects.
2: Adobe Premiere Pro: In which I gave the music to the video and exported it into proper format.
This was the most interesting assignment of the quarter as I was given the freedom to choose my own assignment and this assignment not just taught me something new in the software(which was the literal goal of the assignemnt) but it also gave me the encouragement to learn more of design from the tutorials available on web.
I hope you like my video. Have fun.

Final Assignment of Art Deco

Art Deco

This is my final assignment of Digital Design 220 on Art Deco poster.
This assignment gave me knowledge on the aspects of art deco. As I was still confused, I made two posters, hoping atleast one to be close to an art deco poster.  While I was doing this poster I also learned the various genres of Ads in different times and their birthplaces.
I made this assignment solely in Adobe Illustrator. 
It was a fun assignment. I hope you like it too...

Monday, June 3, 2013

Card Dance

After Effects Card Dance

This is my DDsgn 220 assignment on card dance. 
In this assignment I used three softwares: 
1: Adobe Photoshop: To create my collage 
2: Adobe After Effects: To give the card dance effect 
3: Adobe Premier: To give music and put into proper format. 
In this assignment I learned the effects in Adobe After Effects. 
It was a new and fun experience.

Creating a web page using Photoshop and Dreamweaver

This is my Digital Design 220 assignment on creating a layout of a website in Adobe Photoshop and then turning it into a webpage in Adobe Dreamweaver.
The assignment was to create a webpage layout as one full picture and then slicing it into various images which would become laout objects in dreamweaver.

Creating a website using Content Management System

This is my digital design 220 assignment on creating a website in wordpress. In this assignment we were supposed to create an account in wordpress and make our website with linked pages.
It was a very easy assignment. I worked with photoshop and illustrator for my pictures and the website was all in wordpress.
Here is the link: